Routinely performed procedures
Vision Screening and Assessment: Specialized screenings check for common issues like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Regular eye exams help monitor vision changes as children grow.
Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Treatment: Treatment options include corrective lenses, eye patches, and vision therapy to strengthen the weaker eye and improve overall vision.
Strabismus Surgery: For misalignment of the eyes, strabismus surgery adjusts eye muscles to correct alignment, improving both appearance and binocular vision.
Blocked Tear Duct Surgery (Dacryocystorhinostomy): In cases where tear ducts are blocked, this procedure helps open the ducts to allow proper tear drainage and relieve discomfort.
Cataract Surgery: Pediatric cataract surgery removes the cloudy lens from the eye, often replacing it with an artificial lens. Early treatment is essential for normal vision development.
Glasses and Contact Lens Fittings: Specialized fittings ensure proper correction for children with refractive errors or other vision impairments.